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Climate change will hit Africa hardest

"Having bailed out bankers, can developed counties really oppose funds to help developing nations fight global warming?"

Category: Climate Change


Gordon Brown unveils fund to tackle 'climate emergency'

"Gordon Brown has unveiled a $22bn (£13.3bn) global fund to respond to the world's "climate emergency" by fast-tracking funds to poorer countries from next year."

Category: Climate Change


UK plutonium cuts strategy 'in disarray'

"The UK's plan to cut its stockpile of separated plutonium is in "disarray", a group of scientists has warned."

Category: Radiation, Weapons


New UK nuclear stations unlikely to be on time

"A Newsnight investigation suggests that UK government plans to build a new generation of nuclear power stations to fill the energy gap by 2020 are wildly optimistic."

Category: Energy sources


'Copenhagen Diagnosis' offers a grim update to the IPCC's climate science

"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change received a kick in the pants today from members who say the climate situation is much worse than the IPCC has so far reported."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 871 to 875 out of 2977